Table Top Sculptures
We can't always answer the question, "does size matter?" but we offer great bang for the buck with our smaller tabletop sculptures. Whether you want to bring visitors to your trade show booth, set a display for a beach wedding, make a splash at Comic Con, or create a small presentation in a store window, we can accommodate you. We bring the sand, the table and the skill.
Often enough it’s impossible to drop ten tons of sand at a location and indoor venues don’t always take kindly to the idea. And the logistics can be overwhelming and costly.
Check out these gems on the right. While smaller than floor sculptures, the attraction and fascination of sand sculpting’s appeal is not diminished, as a sculpture complete with a detailed logo can easily be created on a tabletop. We have tables available in many sizes! In addition, the sculptor can stand throughout the carving and easily interact with spectators. Remember, above all, sand sculpture is a performance art!
Enjoy this small collection of tabletop sculptures
The image at top right features a sculpture created for Marriott Hotels at their headquarters in Virginia. It was part of a campaign to promote travel to Bali!
The lighthouse seen at right was carved special for New Jersey Tourism in the Javits Center in new York City for the New York Times Travel Show. The attached house is known as The Red Mill, a historic attraction located in Clinton, New Jersey and the pumpkins were added to promote an upcoming pumpkin sling competition.
Next we have two sculptures created for Nintendo. The first is at their flagship store in Rockefeller Plaza, New York, and a second done but a few weeks later at Comic Con: the most attended event in the world for nerds, costumers!, and those who refuse to grow old! The castle featured was inspired by a screen shot taken from the new Legend Of Zelda video game! Gamers recognized it instantly!
The sculpture with the DCT Logo was done in The New Orleans Convention Center. It was for a small emerging maritime safety consulting company at The Work Boat Trade Show. The WBTS is a huge show taking up the entire convention center. Displays included ship engines, polished propellers standing ten feet tall and magnificent booths installed by large companies that were a hundred feet long. How could a little guy starting out compete with this? And alongside booths featuring free drinks, expensive giveaways and scantily clad models? He can’t, unless he has a world-class sand sculptor in his booth telling tales of the sea… in sand!
The Cayman Islands logo sculpture was done at a rooftop lounge in New York City for a media event. The client had no idea it would garner so many social media posts!
This Shark Week sculpture was created at the Paley Center for Media in New York City. A few sharks, a bit of coral and the iconic Shark Week logo… all on a table. It remained on display for over two weeks!
Done at the famous Coney Island Boardwalk during the wild and crazy Mermaid Parade, the Sparkling Ice bottle was replicated for the introduction of their newest flavor. Attendees would guess the flavor for the chance to win a vacation. They were also given free samples. I think they collected a million e-mails from a well targeted audience!
My Marvelous Mrs. Maisel sculpture was carved for the cast, crew and production team for the first ‘read through’ for the shows second season….. It was carved for one reason: It was to be a rose in the “stop and smell the roses” expression!
When the Ocean Club in Asbury Park New Jersey opened their sales office just blocks from the then under construction building, they wanted a creative way to display the offering. Typically a model is made and sits on a table in a sales office. It’s seen… but no one takes a photo of a plastic model! The sand presentation was striking and made for instant engagement with prospective buyers. This sculpture was created on a table but the base was a wood frame covered with sand to look like a floor sculpture. It’s still there a year after completion!
The Reading Volunteers sculpture was a pro bono project for my wife at a volunteer thank-you luncheon. The castle on an open book is a recurring theme in sand reflecting the whimsical story book, fairy tale, and dream-like aspect of sand sculpture!
This Clinique sand castle product display is one of my favorites. It was done at Bloomingdales in New York City. The client just wanted the castle with the logo but when complete I asked for a few products to display. Within minutes store customers were shopping with the sales team right from the sculpture… and the customers unsolicited…took selfies and photos!
When The Outlets at Corpus Christie needed to make an impression so far from home they chose Sandsculptor to attract attention at a real estate marketing show in New York’s Javits Center… the toughest market in the world! Nothing draws attendees into a trade show booth like a well executed sand sculpture!
Any time I create a sculpture it’s surely one of the Best Days Of My Life. For Thrillist, it was a natural fit to team with Corona beer to introduce the Corona Can!
The Children’s Museum of Manhattan is and event for families and friends of the Museum. Creating their soon to be new location on the upper West Side of Manhattan was a challenge and needed to be done in limited time. It was a crowd pleaser for donors and children alike!