New Website Launch!

I was a little embarrassed last week when I went to perform a few new songs at a local venue and the master of ceremonies began showing some images on the cafe screen direct from the website.   It made me realize that these were the images people were pulling up when they went to the site!  There was not a sculpture there less than ten years old. I was just learning the art and looking back, they were not very impressive.  How did I ever get work?   And all this time I have been sending out beautiful new brochures and handing out pretty business cards all with the address and e-mail.  Ughh! 

So today marks the start of a new world order (sand-world order..  at least as far as I am concerned).  The new website is here and I have huge plans! For starters I will be posting six or eight amazing must-read blogs a year covering a wide range of crucial sand topics.  Updates to the site will be as frequent as weather reports! (Well..almost!). There will be important, even life-changing posts such as announcing where to see great sand sculpting, what you need to know when commissioning a sand sculptor, what public relations or marketing value can possibly be found in a most ephemeral art form, and best of all there will be a few stories from a series I'll call Adventures In Sand which will touch on logistics, size and types of sculptures you can request and how to design a show stopping sculpture for your next event! 

To coincide with these oh-so-exciting-plans, I will also be starting a blog for my sister site, which features (and is the storefront for The Can You Dig It Super Deluxe Sand Sculpting Kit!)  That blog will include some video segments presenting tips and tricks for sand sculpting enthusiasts.  And we are very excited to say it will also feature new tools soon to be available on the site and notifications of amateur sand sculpting contests around the country.  With insight from other world renowned sculptors we will explore notions, insights, philosophy, and humor stemming from their experiences!  There will even be some sand science now and then!  And who could forgive themselves if they missed that!!!  In a word it will be... Entertaining! 

We promise not to load your mailbox with fluff and we promise, promise, promise not to share ANY information!   I also promise to compose the blogs using full sentences though there is a qualifier here as I may present some posts in phonetic form for those that have difficulties with the excessive combinations of useless letters needed to create sounds in the English language!  I look forward to feedback regarding the site, the blog and hearing of your own insights and experiences in sand. 

We will continue to post photos of the creations made by Can You Dig It Sand Tools users, (So keep sending them in!)  and as always I will answer any questions you have regarding the tools, sand, the process, and best practices by e-mail anytime! 

See you at the beach! 

Sandman Matt